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Rethinking Waste in Dairy: Tackling Dump Milk for Better Margins


In the dairy world, every drop counts. Yet, countless gallons never reach the market. Farmers in the US alone are required to dump as much as 3.7 million gallons of milk daily (Townley, 2020). This isn't just spilled milk that we shouldn’t cry over; it's a significant loss affecting profitability.

Let’s dive into the issue of dump milk and explore how smarter management strategies can make a real difference.

Understanding Dump Milk

What Exactly is Dump Milk?

Dump milk occurs when milk is wasted due to spoilage, overproduction, or logistical failures, especially during peak production times like the spring flush. This wastage is more than an operational headache; it’s a severe drain on margins and a clear sign of inefficiencies within the dairy supply chain.

Operational Challenges

From cow to consumer, the journey of milk is full of logistical hurdles. Spoilage can happen due to delayed pickups, inefficient routes, or even just plain human error. Add to this the natural cycles of dairy cows, which can lead to seasonal surges in milk production, and you have a recipe for wastage. For example in 2023 farmers in the Upper Midwest had to resort to dumping milk down sewage drains because cows were producing an unexpectedly large volume of milk, up to as much as 350,000 gallons a day (Ahsan and Hirtzer, 2023).

Here are just some of the impacts:

  • Economic Impacts: Economically, every gallon of dump milk represents a double loss: the direct cost of production and the potential revenue from sales. For dairy operations, this not only affects their immediate financial health but also their long-term viability.
  • Impact on Farmers: For farmers, dump milk means lost income and wasted effort, undermining the profitability of their operations and their morale.
  • Impact on the planet: Environmentally, this wastage means all the water, feed, and energy that went into producing the milk is also wasted, contributing unnecessarily to greenhouse gas emissions—a double environmental whammy. 1.5% of the United States greenhouse gas emissions are traced back to dairy farms (Rotz et al., 2021).
  • Consumer and Market Impacts: Persistent waste can destabilize milk prices and supply dynamics, impacting everyone from the local café to large grocery chains.
  • Regulatory and Social Considerations: With increasing regulatory focus on agricultural waste and growing consumer demand sustainability, dairy operations are under pressure to adopt practices that minimize waste and maximize transparency.

Smarter Management with Milk Moovement

Innovative Tracking and Management

Milk Moovement is not just about tracking - it's about transforming.

We believe that the traditional methods of managing dairy supply chains need a modern overhaul.

Our platform can help reduce dumped milk by providing tools and processes that address a range of problems causing this phenomenon:

  • Our scheduling page allows members from all different facets of the dairy supply chain to come together in one space and see where and when milk needs to be delivered, avoiding delayed pickups and fostering route optimization.
  • Our lab reports page allows producers to take a look at different components of their milk and analyze where problems may be occurring to avoid more milk dumping in the future.
  • The pickups/dropoffs pages give producers an understanding of how much milk is being produced daily and allows them to proactively anticipate and adjust to potential overflows, streamlining the entire supply chain process.
  • Most importantly our platform provides an opportunity for users to connect from every stage of of the dairy supply chain in one shared online space while collecting real time data through each step of the process. This allows each user to identify where the risk of dumped milk may occur and come up with solutions to reduce it in the future.

Such clarity enables targeted improvements in production forecasts, storage enhancements, and transportation logistics, all aimed at boosting efficiency, reducing costs, and minimizing the likelihood of dump milk.

Real-World Impact

Implementing these data-driven strategies doesn't just reduce waste; it also contributes to a healthier bottom line and a more sustainable business model.

For instance, better forecasting and storage solutions can decrease milk spoilage by up to 15%, directly translating to cost savings and reduced environmental impact.

Actionable Tips to Minimize Dump Milk

Whether you're investing in new technologies or utilizing Milk Moovement, here are several actionable tips you can implement to minimize dump milk and enhance the efficiency of your dairy operations:

  • Enhanced Forecasting: Leverage predictive analytics to anticipate and prepare for high production periods.
  • Improved Storage Solutions: Invest in advanced cooling technologies to keep milk fresh longer, especially critical during peak seasons.
  • Optimized Transportation: Revise transportation strategies to ensure quicker, more efficient milk transfers.
  • Sharing Best Practices: Create forums for producers to exchange successful strategies and innovations in waste reduction.
  • Collaborative Logistics Planning: Engage multiple stakeholders in optimizing milk pickup and delivery schedules, enhancing overall supply chain efficiency.


Together, we can turn the tide on waste and build a more efficient, profitable, and sustainable future for the entire dairy ecosystem.

By rethinking our approach to dairy management with tools like Milk Moovement, we not only respect every drop from farm to fridge but also ensure a greener, more prosperous future for the entire industry.

Let’s raise our glasses (of milk) to innovation and sustainability, because when it comes to dairy, every drop truly counts.


Townley, E. (2020, June 8). Dairy farmers are dumping millions of gallons of milk. This could make it stop. CNN Business.

Ahasan, N., & Hirtzer, M. There’s So Much Milk That US Farmers Are Dumping It in the Sewer. Bloomberg.

Rotz, C.A. & Stout, Robert & Leytem, April & Feyereisen, Gary & Waldrip, Heidi & Thoma, Gregory & Holly, Michael & Bjorneberg, David & Baker, John & Vadas, Peter & Kleinman, Peter. (2021). Environmental assessment of United States dairy farms. Journal of Cleaner Production. 315. 128153. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.128153.


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processing operation?

Get in touch with Milk Moovement today to request a personalized demo of our dairy supply chain software platform. Discover how our solution can save you time, money, and resources while elevating your efficiency and profitability.

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